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Book - The Freedom of Routine

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Book - The Freedom of Routine
Book - The Freedom of Routine
Book - The Freedom of Routine
Book - The Freedom of Routine
Book - The Freedom of Routine
Book - The Freedom of Routine

Book - The Freedom of Routine

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  • Description
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This book is just what parents need to shape the behavior of their children through routines. It is full of strategies that are tried, true, and most importantly, effective!When parents design and implement routines with clear, systematic expectations: 1) Children get things done. 2) Resistance to directives is minimized. 3) Peaceful family relationships are maintained.Life is full of responsibilities, and it is worth parents' time and attention to help children learn to streamline their responsibilities to make room for other learning and living. Routines create the structure for responsibility.In addition to all the information you'll need to design your own routines, this book contains numerous sample plans that can be adapted to fit your family needs.

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