Linda Armas was born into a family of seven children where preparation, organization and routine served as everyday survival skills. She started Prepare Parents to help parents and children pinpoint priorities, nurture relationships, and create a thriving lifestyle for their families. Linda’s Routines Rule! approach was influenced by decades of facilitating parent education seminars, classroom teaching, and raising her own children.
Linda delights and educates parent and teacher audiences with her personal stories of tried-and-true parenting strategies. Her messages focus on creating routines for daily responsibilities so a child’s focus can be devoted to what’s unfamiliar, challenging, or interesting to them.
During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Linda began targeting her efforts on supporting parents and their at-home learners. She developed the well-received, all-inclusive SOS Kit to relieve family stress that surrounds their new learning environment at home.
When Linda’s not busy helping parents thrive in raising their children, Linda loves exploring her home state of Wisconsin, enjoying an afternoon motorcycle ride, and spending time with family and friends.